The Importance of Savable Content on Instagram

While any type of organic engagement on your Instagram account is impactful, we like to think of a save as a “super like.” Sharing savable content can greatly increase engagement, reach, and growth by demonstrating to your followers that you are the valuable, all-encompassing resource they want to revisit. 

Savable content on Instagram refers to either informational, entertaining, or inspirational posts that users would want to save and refer back to later. This content includes tutorials, helpful information, inspiring photography, and more.

Hanna Creative recently posted an article on our Brand Journal called, “Six Tips for a Successful Photo Shoot” and we received 80 saves on this one post. Interior design by CeCe Barfield & Photography by Lesley Unruh.

These are a few examples of valuable content that is more likely to be saved:

  1. A rug company providing a tutorial on measuring the right size rug for your space.

  2. A designer giving their design tips or favorite paint colors.

  3. A textile company announcing their new collection with a carousel post of the new designs.

  4. High-quality imagery of an interior design project that inspires your audience.

Neutral bedroom images are the most saved content for this client. This information can help you curate the type of content your viewers want to see more of, which in turn helps your account grow.

Having your posts saved signals to the Instagram algorithm that your content is relevant to your audience, which can help improve your reach and visibility on the platform. When looking at your analytics, it’s important to look at which posts have received the most saves and then potentially pivot and curate your content to what your audience is resonating with the most. Looking at the numbers of a client of ours, we can see (above) that she has received over 650+ saves specifically on recent posts of neutral bedrooms which is almost triple the amount she typically gets. Looking at these saves, we know her followers are interested in that content and we can start to incorporate more of those images.

High quality photography is a resource for inspiration, which makes it more likely for your viewers to save your content. A client of ours had a viral post, which collected over 6300 saves.

Savable content can also help you establish yourself as an authority in your niche and build trust with your audience. You can showcase your expertise and demonstrate your commitment to serving and delighting your audience by providing inspiring and informative content. If you build a loyal following of users who trust your brand and look to you for guidance and inspiration, you’ll consistently have enthusiastically engaged support.

You can build a stronger presence on Instagram by providing valuable and informative content that users want to save and revisit. Take the time to review your analytics to inform your content calendar and watch your results soar. To learn more about our social media services, visit our Services page.

Roxanne Hanna

Founder & Creative Director of Hanna Creative Co.

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