Three Reasons to Hire A Brand Consultant

In our The Brand Journal series, The Agenda, we ask design industry professionals to share their thoughts on important topics that should be on our radar. In this week’s post, we ask Caitlin Hill, the Founder of C&C Consulting, to share her thoughts on why you may consider hiring a brand consultant. Read on to learn more.

In a world where we are constantly flooded with information to consume, products to purchase, and services to render, it is your job as a brand to articulate your value. After all, your success is deeply connected to the value your customer perceives you offer. A Brand Consultant can play an invaluable role in realizing your value proposition.

1) To Partner with Someone Who Has An Objective Eye.

Despite how long you have been conducting your business, it can often be difficult to remove yourself from its daily operations to evaluate your brand properly. Enlisting the expertise of a brand consultant outside of your internal organization can help offer a renewed perspective with many discoverable moments along the way. With this viewpoint, a brand consultant can also share best practices for your industry, along with applicable trends and even unique notions about your standing, or potential position, in the marketplace.

2) To Bring Accountability & Execution to Your Company.

A big part of a brand consultant’s role is to help identify opportunities and help bring them to fruition. As such, a brand consultant helps keep projects on track and applicable parties accountable for all deliverables. This ensures that the Client can focus on the high-level business without being overly distracted, knowing that thoughtful execution is being made.

3) To Learn More About Resources and New Possibilities.

Akin to offering a new lens for your business, a brand consultant can come to the table with a dynamic group of resources. This can range from other creative agencies to publishers, artisans, printeries, industry leaders, and tastemakers — the list goes on. The resources can be introduced for the sake of achieving a specific project goal or for the purpose of networking. In many cases, Clients have or have had goals that require niche-based resources but don’t necessarily know how to find them. A brand consultant will often have a wonderful Rolodex of resources to help realize exciting possibilities for the company.

Caitlin Hill, C&C Consulting


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